Our music video and ancillary texts come together to make a useful and sellable product, through the use of combinations that go across from the music video to the album advert and CD digipak. The design of our digipak came from our research and also influences from our own work, as the images for our digipak are screenshots that are taken of our music video and made as a image so we were able to edit and use as a digipak design. This helps combine both products and emphasis the music video from the number one single, which is the music video we have made. They combine with each other in similar ways to some extent that the main media product being sold is the album and the band, which is emphasised through the video with constant close ups of the singer and the album and advert covers having the singer on them. This creates effective selling points for the band and the album as the constant look on the singer makes the product sell as the audiences of the band and fans of alternative rock will want to see the singer and his talents.
The use of all the media products we have used has been effective as the feedback we got was great in making an indivudal wanting to hear more songs by the band aswel, even though we have made it and not the actual band. Our intended idea was to create emotions of being happy and love to one another, thats why we chose this song. The use of images of burning and happiness helps the audience see this not just as song/album but connect to our media product through emotions of happiness and joy to the audience. In the CD digipak and advert I have kept it consitent to our music video as making changes and not relating to the video will make the album and song less able to sell, but when kept consitent the audience recognises the adverts and video to make them want to buy the album and easily find it instores. Doing this has made our products effective as one piece to able the audience to recognise an album through just as simple as a picture of the singer or a image of burning photos.
We have kept the font in both the adverts and digipak to Lucia calligraphy, as it will make it more noticable to the audience. For example seeing a font that is used constantly by an artist it becomes are realted font to the artist. So when the audiences see the Lucia calligraphy font they will see it as the Architects writing. Doing this makes it effective to be recognised by the audience and make them know what there looking to buy. Combinations of all of the media products create different effective ways to gain an audience to buying the album through the use of cross over similarites.
Overall the media products what we have created come together as one to attract the audience, from the use of noticable images that are related to the band and the fonts that are used across them. Having the singer as the main attraction of the band makes the audience want to buy their product as from our research we found that the singer is the most likeable one in the band and therefore makes most of the audience want to buy the album. Using all these is effective in creating a valuable and great way to attract an audience in selling the band and its products.
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